Total Energies in the Barnett - February ‘22 edition
A few years ago, French energy giant Total Energies, a major driller in Tarrant county cities like Arlington, declared its plan to become a “responsible energy major”, and operate in a manner consistent with the goals of the Paris Climate Accords.
Their Barnett shale operations, either did not get the memo, or failed to understand it.
Here is a live stream by a neighbor of their Mount Tabor frack site on Village Creek Road in E. Fort Worth from February 28, 2022.
Warning: you will be horrified.
We thank the vigilant neighbor for making complaints, documenting the horrific pollution, and bringing this to the world’s attention.
There are other culpable parties here. We will save that for our next post.
In the meantime, sound walls have gone up at another drill site north of this one, next to the Family Dollar on E. Rosedale. Total Energies is busy setting the Paris Accords to flames all around us.
